By-Laws Up Date
In order to increase the number of qualified applicants to serve on the GBEA Executive Board, the following change was proposed, voted on, and passed during the GBEA Business Meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at the GACTE virtual conference. The measure passed with 90.4% of those voting in favor of the change. The executive board is made up of President, President-Elect, Vice President/GACTE Representative, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past-President. Members who serve as a committee chair are appointed by the President, and would qualify for an executive board position after serving a three year term. This change will go into effect immediately.
By-Laws Change for July 2020
It is recommended that the elected GBEA Board Officers shall have at least three years of experience on the GBEA Board or at least three years of experience on any other Career Technical and Agricultural Education-related board, including boards of career technical student organizations.
By-Laws Change for July 2020
It is recommended that the elected GBEA Board Officers shall have at least three years of experience on the GBEA Board or at least three years of experience on any other Career Technical and Agricultural Education-related board, including boards of career technical student organizations.